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I'd like to read you a story!
Come in, make yourself comfortable, and let's settle in with some stories that can help us in business
and in life.

Three Feet From Gold

October 19, 2020

Three Feet From GoldRead by Maggie
00:00 / 01:00

Today, I'd like to read you a story about perseverance. Goals are tough things. They're fun to set but sometimes hard to reach. But this gold miner's story lets us know that if we're growing tired on our journey, we're absolutely not alone. We can take a break. Get some water. Take a breath...and soldier on. As the saying goes: "You're going to want to quit. Don't."


It's Never Too Late

November 3, 2020

Colonel SandersArtist Name
00:00 / 01:52

It's not easy to stay on the path towards our goals. From J.K. Rowling to Thomas Edison, we can find examples of people who stayed on their path despite moments of rejection and adversity - only to go on and find success. In this story, you witness the diligence of a man in his mid-sixties who was armed with a big dream and a homemade recipe. His name was Colonel Sanders. Enjoy!

Wings and Fries
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